Comfort Counselor

Round 2

Day 35

Until now I had never considered the use of the word “round” in regards to chemo treatments. Why would I? As I begin my second round it’s all crystal clear.

You go in, get the crap kicked out of you, then go back to your corner to recuperate before starting all over again. As I sit here hooked up to bags filled with a variety of medicines, I’m feeling great – but since I’ve already experienced this cycle I know that will quickly change. I know what to expect and plan to spend as many days as I need resting in bed, catching up on Netflix and enjoying the delicious chicken soup that’s slow cooking in my crock pot. And I know that I’ll have a chance to return to my corner to recuperate before round 3.

I could write 1,000 words about victory but instead I’m posting a 5 minute clip from my friend and former Pastor James Wood’s sermon on the subject. One of my favorite messages – and one that you absolutely must watch if you’re stuck in the middle of any kind of battle.

My belief is that I’ll live a long, blessed life – completely cancer free. With that being said, we can never know and often don’t understand God’s plans for us, and I’m prepared to accept my future – regardless of what it holds. I can and will walk in victory, in sickness or in health, and hope that you do the same!

Enjoy the video!


  1. What a blessing this was today. Thank you for being you and continuing to bless others in the face of your burden. Love you and hope you are feeling good soon.

  2. Watching you is always unexpected. the strength joy and love you share makes something so scary become a journey of finding peace. Thank you for sharing with us

    • Hey Deena,

      You of all people understand that we can choose to be at peace, regardless of our circumstances. Love you sister!

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