Comfort Counselor


Life can be painful, but did you know that you can live in peace and joy regardless of what the world is throwing at you? My name is Kathy and I feel a calling to share some of the lessons I’ve learned through some of the darkness of my own life.

These days my challenges revolve around cancer, but for the most part I’ve been able to be calm and roll with life, taking it one day at a time. Many people who are close to me have asked me how I can be so “brave”, and it’s heartbreaking to me that they don’t understand.

God is my strength, and he promises to be with me and never forsake me. This is a universal message of hope. It doesn’t matter what you’re dealing with in your life, and this blog is not about cancer. My disease is simply the vehicle that I have in front of me right now, that will help me to shine the light that God has given me – into a broken world.

I’m going to be completely transparent through this journey and share the things that are going on with me physically, mentally and spiritually. My wish is that in some way, this will help you find clarity and peace through the storms of your own life.

Please join my RSS feed and become part of this community. I’d love to hear your thoughts and believe that together we can brighten the world.